Monday, August 23, 2010

It was a dark and stormy night...

No, no, that's not right. Let's see...

Once upon a time...

Nope, not that one either.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Ooh, now were getting somewhere. My point is, I created this blog a year an a half-ish ago, and never figured out quite the right way to begin. (Just so you can share my current mental picture: Frauline Maria teaching the Do Re Mi's to a group of ewoks... "Let's start at the very beginning...") Anyhow, I'd start something, then decide it was stupid, then forget about it, you know the drill.

Now here I am faced with a lovely, rainy, cool August afternoon. I have a projects list so long that I'm sure that with it I could paper my living room, but then I look out the window and somehow my projects don't seem quite as pressing.

Today's cool weather reminds me that fall is just around the corner! I feel like I have to spend as much time taking in the lush deciduous green as I possibly can, while I still can, because, as Dear Husband lovingly reminded me recently whilst I was drooling over a pair of sandals, "Why do you want those? There's going to be a foot of snow on the ground in a few months anyway and you won't be able to wear them!" Killjoy. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy fall. I enjoy the colorful foliage, apple cider, all things gourd, and the start of school. But then it's over and winter comes, and stays, and stays, and s-t-a-y-s, and staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays. Sometimes winter makes me feel like I'm living in gray scale.

Enough of that, I'm getting cold just thinking about it! I think I'll go for a walk while I still can. Now if only I could remember were I put my socks...