Monday, September 27, 2010

If spring can spring, then it makes perfect sense that fall can fall. It's maybe not as common a phrase as "spring has sprung," but think of all the things that fall throughout the course of the autumnal months: leaves, temperatures, lawnmower prices, the integrity of my immune system...

I've actually been pretty excited for the fall this year. Don't get me wrong, the summer was warm and wonderful and there wasn't nearly enough of it. But aside from a few highlights, I had a pretty boring summer. I've been anticipating apple cider and fall leaves (maybe I'll get around to preserving some this year?) and flipping through the fall issues of my favorite home-y magazines (full of fantastic projects I'll never start and delicious recipes I'll never make), and going back to school.

I'm a teacher. I always have been, I always will be. And I'm a good teacher. Now, if I could just get some school to recognize that fact, I'd be all set. Until that time comes, I will have to be thankful for what I've got, which is a third long-term assignment in the same school, in the same grade I've been in for the past year-ish. I'm enjoying myself, and I hope that "my" students are too. Maybe I'll get lucky and the permanent teacher will decide she wants to be a mom full-time. A girl can dream, right?

But for now, all I want is a box of kleenex. Turns out, not being around kids all summer makes the fall germ-assault pretty fierce. One student commented today while I was reading aloud, "Why, dear teacher, do all of the characters in this book sound like they have a cold?" Har, har. I control your grades, kid, now quit breathing on me and go fetch some hand sanitizer.

So now I say goodbye to you, and hello to a cup of herbal tea, October's Real Simple, and my pillow.
