Thursday, December 30, 2010

Things and stuff:

1. Merry Christmas!! We had a nice, quiet Christmas here in Lunenburg. It was strange not to be with family, but at the same time it was good to have our first "by ourselves" Christmas. Husband built an awesome new computer for me. (And if I ever manage to get my office cleaned up, maybe I can even use it!) Despite all the video game/computer equipment stuff Husband got I'm pretty sure his favorite gift was a little Lego Star Wars builder kit. He stopped opening presents to put it together! (This was followed up by trip to Target to buy an Imperial Star Destroyer Lego kit, which, after its assembly, "flew" threw the air all around the house on Husband's fingers making shooting sounds. Poor little rebel alliance kitties...)

2. This Christmas also had a more somber side. Due to complications in emergency heart surgery early Christmas morning, my aunt passed away. She was a wonderful lady, always full of hugs and humor and good things to say. She had the most wonderful, sincere grin that filled my soul up with sunshine whenever I saw it. Although I am saddened by her sudden passing, and disappointed that I was unable to attend the California funeral, I feel blessed to know that she is at rest in a better place now.

3. We didn't quite have a white Christmas. It came a day late, in the form of a blizzard that shut down all of the airports on the eastern seaboard north of Washington D.C. The good: Last year we (I) decided that we (I) hated shoveling so much that we bought a snow blower this year. Huzzah! The not so good: Somehow I (no we about it) still end up shoveling for at least an hour. Somebody please tell me how that is fair! I'm really not all that bitter, actually, when I think about how long it would have taken if we didn't have the snow blower.

4. Not quite result of blizzard aftermath: Some lady thought it might be fun to drive on the wrong side of the road on Tuesday while Husband and I were on our way to the mall. As she was in the process of taking off Husband's driver side mirror and putting some nice paint gouges and dents all down the same side, I was really wishing she had chosen a less congested road. (As an aside, I find it comical, but at the same time comforting, to live in an area where when the police are called for even a small-ish incident, the caller will soon behold at least 2 or 3 cruisers, lights a-blazing, rushing to aid.) Also, kudos and many thanks to the nice gentleman driving behind us who, after making sure we were ok, called the police, directed traffic, and gave a statement in our favor. So now all that's left is dealing with the insurance and getting the car fixed. Such is life, sometimes.

5. Kitchen tile = started! It is going to look amazing when it's finished! Our dark, ugly kitchen is slowly turning white :)

6. Dear Banana Republic, I got lots of wonderful things for Christmas, (although, not necessarily from you), and thanks a ton for that cute gray sweater you let me have for way cheap the other day. But seriously, seriously, did you really have to wait until now, when I'm out of excuses for buying things and have 11 months before it is acceptable to ask for gifts, to put this (in pink) out? C'mon!! Your salivating friend, Gretchen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String

No, this is not about Christmas. And it's also not about the increase in the number of packages being sent and delivered these days. (Although, wouldn't it be cool if you came home from work to a package that was tied with string? It'd put a smile on my face, anyway...)

Today was one of those out-of-sorts, sorts of days when you feel like something menacing is creeping along behind you, preparing to pounce at the opportune moment. I don't enjoy this feeling. I've made it a priority in my life to look at the bright side of things and do my best to stay positive. This is what made me feel better today:

1. Today at school I was teaching a grammar lesson on plural nouns. The regular forms of these not being particularly difficult to master, the kids asked me for something more difficult. I proceeded to write the word "ox" on the board. "Duh, Mrs. Moscon, it's 'oxen'!" So then I thought I'd try to fool them and write the word box on the board. No sooner had I done so, than a kid on the front row burst out, "BOXEN!!!" YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found myself unable to stifle my giggles, and soon had the whole class laughing with me. It wasn't long before I had to explain about boxen and flocks of moosen, and whatnot. (For those of you deprived and unfortunate enough to not know what I'm talking about, grab a box of tissues and click here).

2. Chicken Enchiladas for dinner.

3. Snow, but not the kind that accumulates.

4. A fire in the fireplace.

5. Did I mention chicken enchiladas yet?

So now it's with a happy stomach and warm feet that I'm going to go tie some string on the last couple of Christmas gift boxen and hope for a better tomorrow.

Monday, September 27, 2010

If spring can spring, then it makes perfect sense that fall can fall. It's maybe not as common a phrase as "spring has sprung," but think of all the things that fall throughout the course of the autumnal months: leaves, temperatures, lawnmower prices, the integrity of my immune system...

I've actually been pretty excited for the fall this year. Don't get me wrong, the summer was warm and wonderful and there wasn't nearly enough of it. But aside from a few highlights, I had a pretty boring summer. I've been anticipating apple cider and fall leaves (maybe I'll get around to preserving some this year?) and flipping through the fall issues of my favorite home-y magazines (full of fantastic projects I'll never start and delicious recipes I'll never make), and going back to school.

I'm a teacher. I always have been, I always will be. And I'm a good teacher. Now, if I could just get some school to recognize that fact, I'd be all set. Until that time comes, I will have to be thankful for what I've got, which is a third long-term assignment in the same school, in the same grade I've been in for the past year-ish. I'm enjoying myself, and I hope that "my" students are too. Maybe I'll get lucky and the permanent teacher will decide she wants to be a mom full-time. A girl can dream, right?

But for now, all I want is a box of kleenex. Turns out, not being around kids all summer makes the fall germ-assault pretty fierce. One student commented today while I was reading aloud, "Why, dear teacher, do all of the characters in this book sound like they have a cold?" Har, har. I control your grades, kid, now quit breathing on me and go fetch some hand sanitizer.

So now I say goodbye to you, and hello to a cup of herbal tea, October's Real Simple, and my pillow.


Monday, August 23, 2010

It was a dark and stormy night...

No, no, that's not right. Let's see...

Once upon a time...

Nope, not that one either.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Ooh, now were getting somewhere. My point is, I created this blog a year an a half-ish ago, and never figured out quite the right way to begin. (Just so you can share my current mental picture: Frauline Maria teaching the Do Re Mi's to a group of ewoks... "Let's start at the very beginning...") Anyhow, I'd start something, then decide it was stupid, then forget about it, you know the drill.

Now here I am faced with a lovely, rainy, cool August afternoon. I have a projects list so long that I'm sure that with it I could paper my living room, but then I look out the window and somehow my projects don't seem quite as pressing.

Today's cool weather reminds me that fall is just around the corner! I feel like I have to spend as much time taking in the lush deciduous green as I possibly can, while I still can, because, as Dear Husband lovingly reminded me recently whilst I was drooling over a pair of sandals, "Why do you want those? There's going to be a foot of snow on the ground in a few months anyway and you won't be able to wear them!" Killjoy. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy fall. I enjoy the colorful foliage, apple cider, all things gourd, and the start of school. But then it's over and winter comes, and stays, and stays, and s-t-a-y-s, and staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays. Sometimes winter makes me feel like I'm living in gray scale.

Enough of that, I'm getting cold just thinking about it! I think I'll go for a walk while I still can. Now if only I could remember were I put my socks...