Monday, December 20, 2010

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String

No, this is not about Christmas. And it's also not about the increase in the number of packages being sent and delivered these days. (Although, wouldn't it be cool if you came home from work to a package that was tied with string? It'd put a smile on my face, anyway...)

Today was one of those out-of-sorts, sorts of days when you feel like something menacing is creeping along behind you, preparing to pounce at the opportune moment. I don't enjoy this feeling. I've made it a priority in my life to look at the bright side of things and do my best to stay positive. This is what made me feel better today:

1. Today at school I was teaching a grammar lesson on plural nouns. The regular forms of these not being particularly difficult to master, the kids asked me for something more difficult. I proceeded to write the word "ox" on the board. "Duh, Mrs. Moscon, it's 'oxen'!" So then I thought I'd try to fool them and write the word box on the board. No sooner had I done so, than a kid on the front row burst out, "BOXEN!!!" YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found myself unable to stifle my giggles, and soon had the whole class laughing with me. It wasn't long before I had to explain about boxen and flocks of moosen, and whatnot. (For those of you deprived and unfortunate enough to not know what I'm talking about, grab a box of tissues and click here).

2. Chicken Enchiladas for dinner.

3. Snow, but not the kind that accumulates.

4. A fire in the fireplace.

5. Did I mention chicken enchiladas yet?

So now it's with a happy stomach and warm feet that I'm going to go tie some string on the last couple of Christmas gift boxen and hope for a better tomorrow.

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