Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Itsy-Bitsy Spider

There is a very small little spider that lives on the outside of my office window.  He is only the size of about four little squares of the screen that covers my window.  Day after day, he just sits there, occasionally moving a few squares.  I'm sure the change in vantage point is refreshing from time to time. He seems to lead a quiet little spider life.  I really don't blame him for settling on my office window.  The view out over my back yard really is quite nice, especially in the springtime.

But today he had an adventure!  You see, today, another spider invaded his territory!  One of his own kind came to usurp my spider's prime real estate!  They chased each other around and around and back and forth, and I'm sure there was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.  It was really quite entertaining:  An epic battle staged in 18x24 inches!  It was a great struggle, but you'll be happy to know that my little spider won out in the end.  He chased that other spider off then did a couple of victory laps around the screen for good measure.  Like I said, I don't blame him for fighting for it.  :)


  1. i wish i could "like" this post. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

  2. i love that he did victory laps :D
