Around 2:00 this morning, I started composing a new blog post in my
head. It is on a topic so fantastic, so horrifying, and so perfect, all
at the same time! But it will have to wait for next time. Maybe
tomorrow or something when I go into exile in my own home (read: Bryant
is having a bros only video game night. My thoughts on that later
too.) Anyhow, so I was getting ready to write the above amazing blog
post by checking my email, facebook, pinterest,,
you know, the important things, when Bryant asked me if I could hunt
down my camera picture-uploader-cord-thing so he could use it to charge
some of his video game controllers for video game night. Having not
used it in a couple of years (oops), I only knew its approximate
location, but I went to hunt it down anyway. (Why do I encourage this?)
After looking through my drawers of Stuff (with a capital S) in my
office closet and coming up with nothing, I moved on to the dresser full
of games, where I found an ugly pair of earrings once given to me by a
student, and my camera's battery charger, but no picture-uploader-cord
thing. I moved on to the next (un)likely place, my bedside table
drawer. Was my picture-uploader-cord thing there? No, it was at the
bottom of one of my filing cabinet drawers, but this is what WAS there,
which, it turns out is more
appalling interesting anyway:
LOTS of receipts. I was too embarrassed to count them all.
3 home-made cards from Bryant (maybe that's why I encourage this <3 )
One vintage Harrison family photo card from Uncle Frank
5 other miscellaneous other photos
5 toy mice, no doubt confiscated in the middle of the night from a psycho, nocturnal cat
1 2 dollar bill
2 necklaces
2 fan pulls
lots of clothing tags (cause where else would I put them after removing them...?)
1 burnt-out flashlight
1 tide pen
1 car cigarette lighter thing
1 old cell phone
1 ear-piece that goes with the old cell phone
2 complements of packaging for tights
2 broken-off pieces from a vintage mirror frame
1 glasses cleaning cloth
1 zipper pull
1 tire valve cap
1 spool of yellow thread
3 hair elastic things (one with yellow flowers)
4 bobby pins
1 pirate eye patch
2 teal pills of unknown effect/origin
1 fox 40 whistle and lanyard
3 pens (one actually even worked!)
1 scripture-marking pencil
1 twig
6 buttons
2 safety pins
1 functioning flashlight
1 stray length of elastic thread
Yikesies. Pretty impressive for a 10x12x2.5" drawer, right? Don't judge me. So after carefully cataloging everything and
shoving every last item back into the drawer
getting rid of the unnecessary flotsam, I felt that it obviously needed
to be shared with the world post haste. The other post will probably
be more complete after tomorrow's adventures anyway.
(Just because I know you're dying to know, it involves a cat, a Disney movie, and 2 full bio-hazard suits.)