Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day, Part 4: Let's go for a walk.

First off, I have mixed feelings about today's snow day:
1. Mmm, sleeping in is nice :)
2. Yes! another 4 day week!
3. Do I really have to re-write my lesson plans again?!
4. It's SO pretty oustide!
5. My snow shovel is getting tired of shoveling, (not to mention its wielder...).
6. 4 feet of snow in the past 2ish weeks?! Seriously?!
7. At least it didn't come all at once.
8. Mmm, sleeping in is nice :)

That said, after my buddies snow shovel, snow blower, and I finished clearing snow, I strapped on my snow shoes and went for a walk! I brought 4 foot tall snow shovel with me for reference. Well, that was the original idea anyway. He ended up serving as a walking stick, mostly.

BEHOLD! Our beautiful snowy woods! Notice that the giant rock is completely buried!

Now, just for reference, here we have the same-ish scene (viewed from the bedroom) in summer:

Now in the summer, I can pretty easily ride the lawn mower under the lowest branch of the peach tree (it's the one on the left).

Not so, right now. Even wearing my snow shoes the snow still was deeper than my knees!

If this keeps up, the whole house might disappear under the snow. (Exterior improvements to happen if summer ever gets here).

The snow makes our new siding and paint on the front look extra nice :)

If you look closely you can see a kitty cat peering out, wondering what the heck I am doing.

This is what it looks like when you leave your snow shovel walking stick somewhere and you fall down wearing snow shoes in deep snow:
Oops. It may or may not have taken me a full two minutes to get back on my feet.

Finally, I decided to have pity on the poor UPS guy who tends to make semi-regular stops at our house. I dug him a channel through the giant wall of plowed snow from the road.
Husband keeps saying he is going to train the kitties to tunnel holes in the snow for us, but I'm not seeing it.

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