Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yesterday, I came home from some errand-running to find a TREASURE BOX waiting for me on the deck!! It was made of brown cardboard and lovingly sent from my mother and my closet :).

(The back story here, just fyi, is that my bedroom at my parent's house is being usurped for the indeterminable future and all of my things are being moved out (thankfully not thrown out, at least!) and taken down to make room for said usurpers. Don't ask me about that, I don't want to talk about it.)

Anyway, I opened the box to find all sorts of wonderful, heartwarming, nostalgic things!! Among them were the swim-fin key chains that hung from my backpack in high school, my competitor's deck pass for the state swim meet during sophmore year, my young womanhood recognition medallion, and various and sundry other things that put a smile on my face.

But what put the biggest smile on my face was this:

My three and four year old journal!! When I was little, I would sit down every week, usually with my dad, and dictate to him what I wanted to go in my journal for that week. Just to share some of my joy with you, this is what I wrote almost exactly 23 years ago:

January 31, 1988

I did quite a bit of swingset playing on this week, and Daddy pushed me really high--clear up into the tangerine branches! Sometimes I call them "reenies." I like to eat them. So does Sarah.

Friday night we got to go watch Daddy play basketball at the Stake Center. We got to have pizza for supper after the game.

I got my report card from pre school this week. Mrs. Nichol said I was really doing well in lots of things. I am starting to learn how to write my name. I would like to learn how.

:) This may seem ordinary, but I can't begin to describe how happy this makes me! It is truly a treasure!

1 comment:

  1. I miss playing in your backyard and eating your tangerines!
