Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So, I'm kind of sad that no one told me how much I need my plates that I don't need. I justify myself in still wanting them because I'm close to positive that if anyone actually read my blog they really would have no choice but to agree how wonderful they are. Sigh. On to other matters.

1. My sister has finally gone public with her little bundle of news. I can't WAIT to tie-dye onsies for the little lemon. Or, foreseeing my lack of initiative to see that project to the finish, I can't wait to find all sorts of really cute stuff to think about buying. Non-committal enough? But seriously, I'm way excited on all sorts of levels.

2. Poor husband spent the w h o l e of last week sick. I'm convinced it was some nasty flu, even if the doctor disagreed. Fever, cough, chills, gastrointestinal pyrotechnics, the works. At least the doctor gave him some souped-up cough syrup. We are both happy to report that he is on the mend! It was probably the healing powers of some lovingly-made-by-my-visiting-teacher chicken enchiladas and a guardian kitty or two.

3. We spent a BEAUTIFUL pre-Valentine's Day weekend in Vermont. It was cold cold cold, but the snowy scenery was pretty and the quiet little towns and lovely little inn were just what we needed. This is where we stayed, and you should too!!

4. The mother-in-law came for a few days. It was the first time she has seen our house, so it was fun to show her all of our projects and go and do. We even made a trek up to Vermont (again) to the Joseph Smith Birthplace memorial. It's the church history site that is the most out of the way for most, but is the closest to us! It was nice to see her and get to know her a little better.

That seems to be all I know. And that's ok, because I'm on vacation. So there. :)

1 comment:

  1. ok FIRST of all...I LOVE that plate design, personally I like it best for me in a navy, but I see you more as a plum person, so I can see you having a plum set of those plates. SECOND, I went to that website for the Snapdragon That is THE most quaint and adorable little Inn and I'm SO jealous you guys got to go. I told Craig it's a crime we don't have enough money to make a trip east JUST to stay a night or two in that Inn. Adorable. I miss you, and I'm jealous you get to be surrounded by so many wonderful tourist traps.
