Thursday, June 30, 2011


Ok, so maybe what I really meant was something like, "Aren't you all soooo glad I'm blogging again?" Yes? But somehow llamas seemed better. So I’ve been a little lazy lately I've been pretty busy lately. I really have been. Keeping track of 24 relatively independent eleven-ish year-olds and their needy parents (in some cases) can take it out of you!

But now it's summer! Summer? I love summer! Despite the positive-ish attitude I managed to drag with me throughout the winter, I just love love love summer. Here are some of the reasons why.

1. Bare feet!!! Now, I love shoes a lot, please don't get me wrong, but really it's just because they are pretty. You know, shoes like those stiletto pumps painted that certain red that only Stuart Weitzman does-those ones that make my heart go pitter-patter... But bare feet!!! Chipped red nail polish (sorry, Mom)! Good, dirty, calloused, happy, bare feet!! I feel like I should be writing a haiku about them or something.

2. Yard-work!!! Yard-work? Yes! There's just something about digging in the dirt that makes the world seem so much better. The same way that those long, straight swaths of freshly mowed grass calm me down and how me and my sidekick Asparagus Fork sock it to those dastardly dandelions. Not to mention watching my garden grow.

3. Have I really made it this far without mentioning the temperature?! Do I really need to?! I went to target this afternoon, and when I stepped out of the store I was immediately enveloped in the sweltering, steamy, sunshine-y, 98 degree summer day. I can't begin to put into words how much I loved it. I would so much rather step outside into the hot, heavy, and humid of the summer than the piercing, biting, bitter, and downright obnoxious cold that taunts new england throughout the winter.

4. Naked Time! Ok, not really naked time, but I do love not having to constantly wear a sweater and pants.


5. Hydrangeas. Especially the deep blue-purple ones.

6. Grilling. Who needs a stove when you can cook outside with a mere fraction of the mess?!

Speaking of grilling, it's dinnertime. Happy Summer!

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