Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I Don't Feel Like Doing.

I didn't sleep very well last night. Husband said this morning that it's really my own fault due to my (alleged) allergy-induced snoring. Suuuuure. Just because he wakes up because he's "absolutely sure" he must be sleeping next to a bear doesn't mean he has to wake me up too, does it? Last time I checked, you're not supposed to poke sleeping bears in their squishy midsections, right? Something about having your head bitten off?

Anyhow, it's beautiful outside-I can tell from the puffy white clouds that dot the blue sky and the trees swaying gently in the breeze! I saw it all from my window! And my computer says it's a lovely 79 degrees. Just the perfect time to seize the day!...? Do I have to? I mean, yesterday I had the septic tank pumped, folded laundry, made jam, looked for jobs, and did some research for a project. So that means I'm off the hook for today, right? Maybe if I complain about all the things I ought to do, they'll just go away. Let's give it a whirl:

My To-Do List Things I Don't Feel Like Doing:

  • Straighten my office. There's a path from the door to the computer. What else is needed?
  • Take a shower. But what if I go do something sweaty? I'll just have to do it again later.
  • Do something sweaty. This includes, but is not limited to, mowing the lawn, weeding, various indoor and outdoor projects that involve swinging a hammer, making sawdust, climbing a ladder, thinking...
  • Make lunch. Sounds like a lot of work.
  • Buy lunch. See next bullet point.
  • Run errands. Please see the second bullet point.
  • Read. I'd just feel guilty for not doing something more productive.
  • Clean out my closet. This is a necessary painful task only to be taken on when one is feeling courageous and incredibly industrious. Obviously not a task for today.
  • Go grocery shopping. Sounds a lot like something that requires a shower. And thinking.
  • Go to a movie. Shower? Plus, I mean, how many times can one really get away with seeing Harry Potter before having one's husband roll his eyes at one? (Answer: exactly one.)
  • Catch up on So You Think You Can Dance. TV? As if reading wouldn't make me feel guilty enough!
  • Make bread. Again, sounds like a lot of work.
Ok, I'm spent. I could probably list some more things, but my actual to-do list is in the kitchen. You see my problem, obviously. My kingdom for a poolside lounge chair, a fashion magazine, and no to-do list!

Happy Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously I hope you made sure to not do all of this...for the both of us. I sure do need a day to not get anything done. lucky. :)
